Thursday, June 14, 2007

Gaaah! Totally Stalled. >:(

*Sigh*.  And *GRRRRR*.  My plans for school have been completely stalled by freaking money.  I hate money.  OOPS...I suppose I shouldn't say that, then it will stay away.  I *like* money, I enjoy its presence greatly.  But when it's not here, it makes me sad.

While poker paid for fixing my car and getting insurance and tires, it did not pay for my first semester of school...which starts in like 3 weeks.  I'd filled out my FAFSA like weeks ago, trying to be on the ball and on top of shit.  But apparentlly that doesn't matter, because I got a notice in the mail that I need to provide verification of my income and expenses.  Because of the fact that I'm "lucky"* to have the kind of mother who will pay for everything I *NEED* I don't have any income verification.  
So I had to explaing to the financial aid office that I'm pretty much a sponge.  Hate that.  It actually wasn't *HORRIBLE*, but still.

So, I get through explaining (complete with a 1 page written summary) and the girl smiles at me (she was very nice), and takes my forms, and says "We'll let you know in 2 to 4 weeks.".  Did I mention that the summer semester is in THREE weeks?  That's cutting it REALLY close, *IF* I make the deadline.  And there's nothing I can do about it.  I'm stalled, I have to wait, and there's NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT.  

I'm really afraid of the wind being pulled out of my sails on this.  Procrastination and I are LONG time companions, and while I get the gumption to push him aside every so often, he's rather willing to wait till there's a teeny opening in the door for him to push his foot into and come back in.  In fact, I think he's waiting in the bathroom right now, in the piles of laundry, heh.

So, onto the scholarship search.  It's the only thing I can do to keep 
Procrastination at bay.
*In quotes because while it might seem like a cushy life to have my living expenses paid fully, it does come with it's own mental costs.  I'd almost rather be broke and on welfare and collecting child support than to have to be dependant on someone for basic things.  Hate dependancy.  *sigh*

Monday, June 04, 2007

Blame l337 speak on Great Great Great Grandparents!

So, I got a wild hair* tonight to look up the etymology of the phrase "O.K." (shush, all of you, I fully own my nerdosity!) and what I found was rather interesting:

From The Straight Dope:

The abbreviation fad began in Boston in the summer of 1838 and spread to New York and New Orleans in 1839. The Boston newspapers began referring satirically to the local swells as OFM, "our first men," and used expressions like NG, "no go," GT, "gone to Texas," and SP, "small potatoes."

Many of the abbreviated expressions were exaggerated misspellings, a stock in trade of the humorists of the day. One predecessor of OK was OW, "oll wright," and there was also KY, "know yuse," KG, "know go," and NS, "nuff said.
 This amused me quite a bit, seeing that there had been a fad for acronyms so far from the past.

I greatly trust Cecil, but that article seriously smacks of "April Fool's material", so I checked with Wiki, which, to my amusement, confirmed it.

OMG, LOL! *grin*

*Using this phrase, of course, lead me to look up the etymology of "Wild Hare"...which, actually makes sense:
It originated from "had a wild hare up my ". If you had a wild rabbit in your backside... you'd probably jump without thinking.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Just got home from the casino...

With my biggest poker win to date...after paying Blade back the $100 for the buy in, I've got SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS in my pocket!


Now poker's bought insurance for my car, and my first semester of school :)  

If only I could do this every weekend, heh.

(Yes, it is 6am.... I sat at the table for about 5 hours :) )