Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I'll have a Juby, please!

How to make a Juby

3 parts pride

5 parts humour

1 part beauty
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Serve with a slice of lustfulness and a pinch of salt. Yum!


Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

How to make a Poinging Juby

3 parts friendliness

3 parts crazyiness

3 parts instinct
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Serve with a slice of curiosity and a pinch of salt. Yum!

Friday, June 11, 2004


HEEEE!! I laughed till I old man wheezed tonight on the phone with my friend tonight. She said...

"It was like an orgy in my mouth...only it tasted GOOOOOOD!"

I love my friend. :)

Thursday, June 10, 2004


Something about twue wuv just chokes me up. From The Bleat today:

There was something insular about the Reagans’ marriage that kept us all at arm’s length. I think that people understood that Reagan madly loved his wife, but they didn’t quite know why. She was brittle and steely; whatever personal warmth she had didn’t come across on camera. She wasn’t a Hollywood knockout. But he was nuts about her, and he had his reasons. She repaid him with the long twilight vigil. She endured sadness you can only hope you never know, and in the end she wasn't hanging on the arm of a Marine like wet crepe. She looked as if she could have helped Jackson to his feet if he’d wilted in the heat.

I don't care who it is, I'm such a sucker for loyalty and devotion that I suck every bit of stuff like this up. *sigh* The guy who ends up getting me is going to be one lucky bastard, heh.

Oh, and do watch the movie at the bottom of the page... "Smoove the Worm". *RE-diculously* cute. :)

Awww, aren't I cute...

Which poem are you?

Sonnet 17 by Pablo Neruda

Aw, you're a romantic. You believe in true love and all that sort of stuff. How cute are you? To you, love is incredible and amazing.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

RIP, Ronnie....

Just found out that Ronald Reagan died today at age 93. He was the first president that I *remember*. Not that I'm political at all, but it just thumps me a little. A reminder of my own mortality, I guess...

How compatible are you with me?

I'm a generally unfuckwitted, liberal, not-too-generous, not-too-selfish, pathetically simple-minded, dribbling child!
See how compatible you are with me!
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

Friday, June 04, 2004

I seeeeeee yoooooooou!!

Just got a counter and a tracker here from Site Meter. See it? It's down there, heh. Didn't think I'd have page views from people I didn't know, heh. Yay! I'll try to be entertaining, I promise. :)

Friday Five!

1. If the world were to suddenly end right now, what do you wish you would have done?

I would wish that I would have been able to see my kids grow up and be the healthy, well adjusted, successful adults that I know they'll be. I'd also like to have gotten married.

2. How many times do you hit the snooze button before getting out of bed?

Hee! As many as possible. I usually set my alarm for about an hour before I *have* to be up, because I love the feeling of being able to crawl back into my wonderful bed and knowing that I've got a whole hour left to sleep. My bed never feels more comfortable than first thing in the morning, all warm and snuggly.

3. What cartoon do you enjoy watching from the present (or the past)?

Oh, I love cartoons, heh. *adore* Warner Brother's cartoons, the one with the big bulldog Marc Antony and the kitten gets me every time. :) Cartoons now? LOVE SpongeBob, and Fairly Odd Parents is good too.

4. If you could go to any time and/or place in history, where/when would it be?

Hmmmm...being an SCA geek, I'd have to say approximately 15th c. Europe. Then let someone tell me my garb isn't period, heh!

5. If your life were a movie, what would it be rated and why?

Heh, I'd love to say R or even X, but lately it's been PG-13...and that's only for strong language, *grin*

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Tim Burton + Johnny Depp = YAY!

Especially when somewhere in the equasion is "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". WHEE! I *loved* CatCF, and to hear that Tim Burton is doing it, just makes me all asquee. I've known about this for a while, and while there will never be a better Willie Wonka than Gene Wilder (ooooh, he was so creepy! *shivers*) I think that JD will do a pretty good job. I shuddered when the Marilyn Manson rumors were flying, there is no way I would have paid to see that.


Wednesday, June 02, 2004


I'm feeling bitchy and mean spirited. I think it's because I'm busy, but at the same time, bored and lonely. They say "just keep busy"...hell, *I* say that, but when there's NOTHING fun to do at the moment, and I'm feeling lazy and irritable, all the things that I *should* be doing just piss me off instead of making me feel productive, so I don't do them, then my house is a mess and THAT pisses me off, then I start feeling blown off by friends, and that just makes me want to go tear some heads off.

I want to move. I hate this house, with all the clutter and stupid shit that I don't feel is mine to throw out, I hate the majority of the pets, all they do for me is be nuisances, I hate the fact that we're not walking distance to the library, or any stores, or anything that I'm used to being within quick walking distance. There's a *beautiful* house for rent *just* around the corner from the shop, but there's no way I can move in there. It's been for rent for months and months, and I joke that it's *MY* house and just waiting for me, heh. But I know it's not. Someone else will scoop it up and love it. Just like every damn thing else I want.

*pout* Poor me. (blech - self pity leaves a foul taste in my mouth)

Add to the fact that I joined a community called "Kisses" on Orkut, and it's all about talking about what kinds of kisses you like, your best kiss, defining "bad" kissers, blah blah blah, and I have nothing to contribute, simply because I havn't been kissed in like ... fucking 4 years. And I am *spectacularly* kissable. I've got great lips, my mouth is warm and soft and inviting. *I'd* kiss me, heh. I miss kissing. It's one of my favorite parts of being in a relationship, and the last guy I was with didn't so much dig it. That'll definitely be a requirement for the next guy, I'll tell you what.

*wahwahwah* Oh woe is me, I'm so fucking pathetasad right now. Aargh, I irritate myself.

Oh, and I've got a headache. Maybe I just need some food.