Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Reinforcing a popular misconception

I love being the ever so mysterious Mom.

I've told my kids over and over that I *do* have eyes in the back of my head, but they're getting to the age that they're questioning that. I used to do little things to "prove" it, but they were little, and it was easier.

The other day I was taking them to DX's house, and each apartment on the row has a large window. Because these windows face a fairly main road, most of the people keep thier shades drawn, so when the light hits them just right, there's a nice reflective surface. As we're walking to DX's front door, I see, reflected in the neighbors window, the boys horseing around. Without turning, I blurt out "Shasta, quit putting Bug into a headlock."

They were flabberghasted, heh. And all I heard was "HOW did you do that, Mumma?!?" I just smiled and reminded them of the eyes in the back of my head.

muahahahahaha. It's good to be the Mumma.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Making Resolutions

Well, here I am, another school year for the 'lets starting. Every year, I have these big grandiose plans for the school year, both for the kids and the house. I try to get in the habit of doing things I should be doing on a daily basis, like, oh....going to work and cleaning the house, heh.

Today was the first 1/2 day of school, and the older 3 went. Neeker didn't go, because she's in the afternoon kindergarten, and the am kindergarten went today. She starts tomorrow, so I thought it would be a grand idea to spend the day snuggled up with her watching cartoons all morning. :) It was nice, the last time for a while we'll be able to do that. She starts the "Kindergarten Crew" tomorrow as well, which is the district's daycare program, it starts when the school day starts, and they get her to her kindergarten room when that starts, all I have to do is send her off in the morning with the older kids, and be here when they all flood back into the house, heh.

And it's after school that the planning has begun. When they get home, they've got 1/2 hour till they need to do thier homework. 1/2 hour for homework, and we all do our chores. Then dinner. Then about an hour till showers and then bed.

Will it work? I've no idea. :)

Gimme some luuuuuv...

And let me see how well Blogger's comments work. And oh, does anyone know how to fix it so my template looks like the one on the template sample page at Blogger? Do I have to have something edited or something or other?

It's *so* BIIIIIIIG!!!

Heh, no, this post is not about a new boy. *grin*. Wish, but, alas, no. :)

DX brought me a prezzie today... his old monitor. Big ole thing, It's a 19 inch. *WOW*! Size *does* matter, heh.

I've got it set on 1280 x 1164, and everything doesn't look TINY, but just right.


Can't wait to play The Sims 2 on this bad boy, heh. And oh, this definitely calls for a new site design.

edit: oh shit, I lost my comments when I changed the template. Ding dangit all. Oh well. I'll get them back sooner or later, heh.