Monday, December 06, 2004

Spent the afternoon in bed with Weird Al...

The Ultimate Video Collection, you perverts...

I bought the DVD from when my kids discovered "Yoda" on thier hard drive, and called me in to listen to it. I was *thrilled*, heh. So, I went and dug up any Weird Al songs I have and CD's, and let them listen. Shasta about fell off my bed listening to "Fat", heh. I kept trying to explain that it was simply HILARIOUS when you know the song that he started with, and in fact, when we got to "Constipated", Webley was all "HEY! I know this song...but... HAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!" (I think she respects Avril Lavigne even less than I do, YAY!).

So, I bought the DVD, and it came today, and I'm sick and home from work, so I thought I'd pop it in and make sure there wasn't anything objectionable in it. There's some iffy stuff, but I was listening to Weird Al when I was thier age, I think, but for some reason, I think I *got* it a little more than they are going to. I had at least a vague idea of the songs he was using, and got to pop culture referances in songs like "Hey Ricky!" And then, when I got older, I cracked up at "Smells like Nirvana" because that was the only song that he actively makes fun of the band that he's parodying, and I loved Nirvana back in the day. But the 'lets have no frame of referance for things like that... they're not going to crack up at the parody of Red Hot Chili Pepper's "Give It Away" video, because they've never seen it (and prolly won't untill they're AT LEAST 15, heh.) and although they're familiar with The Flintstones, they're a little before thier time, you know?

I just hope to cod Weird Al can stand on his own without needing to know the referances. I hope they'll give him enough time to learn them, or for him to get up to thier generation.

Just doing my part to warp the next generation, heh.


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